Welcome to the Invite Health Newsletter! 💌

This is a free newsletter for students trying to figure out what to do with a life sci / health sci degree.

These newsletters highlight students pursuing careers in healthcare, and the experiential learning opportunities they've had. From startups to education to research to politics, my goal with this newsletter is to introduce you to the various pathways that students can pursue in healthcare.

What you can expect from Invite Health

  • Interviews with students (from undergrad to recent grad) who have unique job experiences in different sectors - healthcare and beyond

  • Full transparency in the interviews- no gatekeeping here!

  • Occasional interviews with admissions reps or recruiters from organisations that often hire students

  • Paid job opportunities and extracurricular events featured at the end of every newsletter in the “In the Community 👩🏻‍💻” section

  • A chance to learn about different career options for life sci / health sci degrees that extend beyond medicine or academia

Stay up-to-date 🗓

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox (and make sure not in your spam or junk mail!).

Join the crew 🤝

Invite Health is on Instagram (@readinvitehealth), LinkedIn (Invite Health), and Twitter (@invitehealthCA).

Thanks for reading, and welcome to the Invite Health community. - Sachi

Subscribe to Invite Health

UPDATE! We are now on invitehealth.beehiiv.com - this Substack is no longer active


highlighting students pursuing careers in healthcare @ invitehealth.substack.com.